Friday, September 14, 2012

Couch to (ultra) Marathon

It's been a while...I took some time to recover and that included a break from writing about running too I suppose - though a much longer break from writing than running. I guess writing doesn't give me the same life giving thing that running does.

In my absence online a lot has happened in real life! For one, my mom has started running again. I grew up with two fanatical runners for parents. Two original ultra runners. Two WESTERN STATES QUALIFIERS! Two running book authors. A mom that ran the Bolder Boulder 8mo pregnant with me...and ran it in 1:06! Yeah...I'm really proud of them! Too bad that running bug didn't hit me until I was almost 30...but it has hit now and that's all that matters. So back to my mom. She is a champ. She's already clocking miles faster than me and she just took the sport back up a few weeks ago. It's been really awesome seeing her get excited to get out and run and walk and explore her neighborhood. She's suffered a bit of a set back with some foot pain, but is working through it and is KILLING it! She says that I inspired her to start up again, but I think she is the one who inspired me in utero and beyond!

I think running is making a resurgence. I think that an increase in intense physical activity tends to follow somewhat negative life events. The economy tanked...race entrants increased. I lost my job...I started running. Physically demanding activity gives you a way to deal with negative emotions and situations in a healthier way than say the bottle or binge eating. There's just something about pounding the pavement that gives order to otherwise irrational thoughts.

A few weeks ago my friends Lisa and Anthony and I decided to run a know just 'cause. If you would have told me in March that I would run a marathon 6 months later I wouldn't have thought it possible. It was the hardest run of my life. The one with the most ups and downs and the most highs and lows. I meticulously planned out the perfect route complete with built in aid stations at mile 10 and 20. Of course it was 100 degrees that day and the route had to be all uphill and a little bit grueling and of course we deviated from the plan and ran a few extra miles turning our marathon into a ultra marathon...whoops.

Around mile 18 - my long run max mileage at the time - I started to tank. I tanked hard till about mile 22 and then something deeper kicked in. Our altered route serendipitously led us past Betsy's grave and I got to visit it for the first time in 6 years. It was wonderful to say "hello" and see her name. Maybe that is what gave me a boost at the end...I dunno. But those last few miles felt like nothing and I felt like I could conquer anything. That's what I like most about running. When you've conquered another milestone, you feel like every other trial in life can be handled with more grace and patience. You endure pain and come out stronger for it. We ended our run hand in hand breaking through a Dollar Store "congratulations" banner and the sound of party noise makers. It was the best finish line party I've been to!

I want to say a special special thank you to my hubby Shane. He is my biggest supporter. He always believes in me. He is my everything. He met us at mile 10, 20 and the end with the best aid station goodies a girl could ask for! He even provided kisses and ice cold wet towels to wash off a bit. Well the kisses we only for me ;) I want to say thank you to Lisa who never once complained about the unexpected hilliness of the course or my slow pace...she was awarded Star Performer at the end by the way.  Thank you to Anthony for being so encouraging and confident in my ability. And thank you to all of you who have "liked" my runs and said encouraging words. Thank you for boosting my confidence and sharing your successes with me too!