Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Trailside Intervention

Perhaps I've been going too hard. Maybe too long. Maybe I'm anemic or have low B12 levels. Maybe I need to eat more, eat less. Maybe I need more sleep. Whatever the case, I've been in a week long rapid decline. So on Friday on the most beautiful trail I've ever had the blessing to be on, three of my best buddies waited for me in the rain and told me to take a break. To take a real rest. So here I am resting. And I hate it.

All kinds of irrational thoughts are in my head right now and fits of crying have been taking over my quiet moments. If that's not a sign of overtraining/overreaching I don't know what is! What if even after I legitimately rest I'm still not improving? What if I will never be able to do the things I want to do? What if everyone thinks I'm a wuss, weak, lame...insert any other negative adjective here. See what I mean?

As my dear friend Lisa told me today, "You have to talk reason to yourself and seriously try mindfulness...find yourself without trying so hard."

So now I sit and try to rest my body that says, "Be still now. Rest a bit. Stop." and try to quiet my mind that says, "Go, go, go! Don't stop! GO!"

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