Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Running Redemption

Yesterday was one of those weird days where I kept waking up thinking it was later than it was...3.30 am had to be 5.30-6...fall back asleep...4 am...sleep...4.20 am...lay awake till 5...ok fine I'll get up! I figured since I was already up that I better go run. So off I set intent on doing 4 miles of fartleks.

Intentions are one thing, reality is often different. I forgot in my sleep deprived state to eat anything before heading out and boy did I feel it. My feet felt like lumps of lead and my "sprints" might as well have been slower than my "recovery" rate! It was a struggle to even finish. It was a bad run overall, but at least I got out and ran at all.

Fast forward to 8 am. Lisa was ready for a trail run as her new trail running shoes had just come in the day before and she was itching to try them out. I figured it would be good for us to do a trail I'd done and knew what to expect. We drove up to Hall Ranch and after a small photo shoot to rub our easy access to amazing trails in Lisa's sister's face we were running on the Nighthawk trail. What a gem this trail is! It's limited to hikers and horses only so we never have to worry about mountain bikers going too fast down some of the blind switchbacks. It was great knowing which hills to power hike over trying to run them and we made great time! We were only a minute off my original pace out there. After another staged photo shoot to yet again prove Colorado's superiority and Lisa's excellent running form, we headed back home excitedly proclaiming that this was by far the best thing EVER. My running was redeemed.

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